Recycglobe is an innovative online platform which connects users who are willing to dispose recyclable materials with recycling and waste management companies. Our company designed and developed the software platform for Recycglobe. The platform provides collection points management and analytics, optimal geo-routing for waste collection trucks based on analytics, loyalty system for user rewards and IoT integrations with smart sensors monitoring the usage of the recycling bins.
- UI / UX Design
- Software Platform Development
- Dashboard Development
- Geo coding & Geo-routing
- Loyalty System
- IoT Integration
Software product development
- Symfony
- d3.js
- Leaflet
- Vue.js.
We developed Recycglobe platform in responsive web design, using the open source Symfony PHP framework, while using MS Azure and Mapbox services. While developing emphasis was given to a number of functionalities such as B2B & B2C multiple user profiles, report generation, data extraction in multiple formats(CSV, Excel, PDF), ability to rate & comment and users e-mail notifications. Some highlighted platform functionalities are also described in the below sections.

Geo coding & routing
Use of maps, geo-coding and geo-routing for defining the optimal route taking multiple criteria into account. Ability to export data to Excel. The recyclers, their addresses, their materials and their quantities are all recorded thus estimating the best route.
Loyalty system
All transactions are recorded and a loyalty & reward system is applied. Platform’s control panel provides efficient monitoring for the users of the points they collect.

API Integration
API real-time integration with intelligent remote fill-level sensors. RecycSense sensor combined with Recycglobe platform optimizes route management by calculating maximum load per collection and estimating distance between spots.